If the Bible never mentions the change of the Sabbath, why do so many today attend church on Sunday?
Sabbath Meaning
How Important is a Weekly Sabbath as a Day of Rest?
Around the world, different religious groups have had a Sabbath—a day set apart for rest each week. A day to worship together, spend time with loved ones, and to just rest.
For many of these groups, this practice has deep roots and holds great spiritual significance. In this post, we’ll look at this practice among various religious groups, and why it’s important to them.
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What Is Children’s Sabbath School in the Adventist Church?
Children’s Sabbath School is a Bible program offered every Sabbath at Adventist churches for children from birth to age 18. These classes give children the chance to learn Bible stories, make new friends, and participate in fun activities.
What Day Is the Sabbath, and How Do We Know?
The Sabbath is a declaration of weekly rest by God which we find in the Bible (Genesis 2:2-3). But you may be wondering:
Sabbath Keeping: What It Looks Like in the Bible
That Sabbath would not be about a checklist of rules but about a mindset of rest. It’s a day to set aside daily cares and connect with God, our Creator. Out of our love for Him, we take the principles of the Bible and apply them in the way we keep the Sabbath.
13th Sabbath Offering: What It Is and Why It Matters
While the previous 12 Sabbaths of the quarter feature an established Adventist ministry and its current giving needs, the 13th is a rotating spot reserved for current mission projects.
Rest and Reconnection: What It Really Means to Keep the Sabbath
The Bible tells us that we keep the Sabbath by avoiding work. God made this law because he knew it would strengthen us and bring us joy, as well as give us time to reconnect with Him and recharge from our busy lives.
Everything You Need to Know About Sabbath Meals
For Seventh-day Adventists, sharing a Sabbath meal with friends and family is one of the most special and memorable parts of the Sabbath.
Everything You Need to Know about Sabbath School
Sabbath School is the Bible study component of the church program at most Seventh-day Adventist Churches. It’s a time of Bible study on a specific topic or lesson. Instead of listening to a preacher, people interact with one another, making it a great opportunity for building friendships.
Why is the Sabbath Observed from Sunset to Sunset?
If you know of any Adventists, you may have noticed that they stop their work or business activities before sundown on Friday. What’s the reason behind this?
How Important is a Weekly Sabbath as a Day of Rest?
Around the world, different religious groups have had a Sabbath—a day set apart for rest each week. A day to worship together, spend time with loved ones, and to just rest.
Why do Adventists Worship on Saturday?
Adventists worship on the seventh day of the week because God made Saturday a holy day at creation. Learn what makes this day so special to Adventists.