Steps to Christ: A Guide to a Relationship with Jesus

Whether you’re just starting your journey with Jesus Christ, are coming back after some time away, or have had a relationship with Jesus for years, using a book—in addition to the Bible—to guide or supplement that relationship can be helpful, comforting, and joyful.

That’s where Steps to Christ comes in.

Steps to Christ is a book by Ellen G. White, one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

In this little book, you’ll find a beautiful, rich description of how much Jesus loves us, how He wants a relationship with us, and how we can cultivate that relationship in our Christian journey.

Want to learn more? Well, in this article, you’ll learn:

Let’s start by setting the stage for the writing of Steps to Christ and learning a few more details!

Steps to Christ background information

Steps to Christ was first published in 1892 by a popular Protestant publishing association, Fleming H. Revell, and it was written by Ellen White.

It was originally written when the Adventist Church asked Ellen White to write a book about the Christian experience that could be understood and useful to all people, Adventist or not.

Since then, it has been translated into over 150 languages!

And though Ellen White is known for many of her books and counsels, including The Desire of Ages, she is best known for this 13-chapter book about God’s love for man, the sinner’s need for Christ, and living a Christian life.

This book is small but mighty, so let’s dig a little deeper into what it’s all about.

What is Steps to Christ about?

On the whole, Steps to Christ is a book that’s all about developing a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus. And though we can learn all we need to know about Jesus from God’s Word, books like Steps to Christ can give us new insight into the truths in the Bible.

Each chapter addresses a different part of the Christian journey, and each one is like a “step” toward Jesus:

  • “God’s Love for Man”
  • “The Sinner’s Need of Christ”
  • “Repentance”
  • “Confession”
  • “Consecration”
  • “Faith and Acceptance”
  • “The Test of Discipleship”
  • “Growing Up Into Christ”
  • “The Work and the Life”
  • “A Knowledge of God”
  • “The Privilege of Prayer”
  • “What to Do with Doubt”
  • “Rejoicing in the Lord”

Throughout all of these chapters is the theme that God loves us and desires that we would be close to Him. Jesus’ sacrifice, God’s Word, and nature are all evidence of that.

And the more that we study God’s love, the more we desire to be like Him.

When we desire to be like Jesus, we recognize our need for Him. With Him, we can live more free and more joyful lives!

As you continue reading, you’ll find that this book not only talks about desiring to be like Jesus and dedicating our lives to Him, but it also talks about how to live like Jesus.

Jesus can transform our hearts and our lives if we will let Him. This book guides the reader through how one’s habits, goals, and character will be made new out of love for God and wanting to live according to His will.

And when we get to know God through His Word and prayer, the more we desire that other people would know Jesus, too!

But not every part of the Christian journey is easy. Oftentimes, you may feel doubtful. You may wonder what God’s plan is for your life, or you may go through hardship and wonder where God is in all of the pain.

Steps to Christ has a chapter all about “What to Do with Doubt.” Even when we don’t understand this life, we can ultimately trust God and turn to Him for peace.

In the end, this book is transformative. It walks you through every part of being Christ-like, providing examples from the Bible and giving comfort to those that read it.

Through it, we can learn to love Jesus more deeply and rejoice in Him daily.

Is Steps to Christ still relevant today?

A man praying and giving his life to Jesus Christ

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

Even though Steps to Christ was written over 100 years ago, its principles are timeless.

Each chapter addresses things that all humans desiring a relationship with Jesus experience, whether that’s learning to deal with doubt, learning how to have the assurance of salvation, or learning how to share the gospel with others.

While it’s a small text, this book should be read carefully and slowly. There is so much to learn from it, no matter where you might be in your journey.

Where can I find Steps to Christ?

Steps to Christ is in the public domain, which means you can read it for free online! However, you can also find it at most Adventist churches, any Adventist bookstore, and online for purchase.

If you let it, this book can help you cultivate a meaningful spiritual relationship. Really, it can make your life richer and more full of joy.

Choose an Online Bible Study

Want to keep learning? Find out more about Jesus, humanity, the plan of salvation, and how God loves you enough to sacrifice everything, just to give you a chance to choose Him.

Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start, that’s why we offer free, user-friendly, online Bible study options you can do anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace.

This online Bible school will take you through the major themes of Scripture, breaking down the Bible’s complex concepts into bite-sized pieces, which can lead you toward the answers of life’s more challenging questions.

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