From stewardship to acts of investment and generosity, let’s explore what the Bible says about having a healthy relationship with our money.
Bible Questions and Answers
Have you ever wondered about life after death, or what some refer to as the afterlife?
What Does God Look Like According to the Bible?
What Does God Look Like According to the Bible?As human beings, it’s natural for us to wonder about God’s appearance. But the Bible says very little about it. It’s not hard to understand why, though. As the Creator of the entire universe, His existence transcends our...
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What Does the Bible Say About Aliens and UFOs?
In 1938, aliens and UFOs were the subject of a mass prank. Around Halloween, Orson Welles performed a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds. This ended up causing a panic throughout the United States—many people took it to mean that aliens had really attacked New Jersey.
Major Fulfilled Bible Prophecies You Should Know About
Prophets seem like something from novels or movies. The predictions they make couldn’t actually happen, could they? After all, nobody can tell the future!
The Seven Churches of Revelation and What They Mean
The seven churches were churches that received messages from Jesus Christ through the apostle John while he was exiled on the island of Patmos. These letters are in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation.
What Is the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream?
Ever had a dream you couldn’t remember? You know it was disturbing, but the details escape you. Ugh, the frustration!
What Are the Three Angels’ Messages in Revelation 14?
The three angels’ messages in Revelation 14 warn the world to worship God, leave religious confusion, and avoid worship of human traditions instead of God’s commands.
The Early Christian Church [Overview]
The Early Christian Church describes the faith community that developed from followers of Jesus after He returned to heaven (Acts 1) in A.D. 31. Their purpose was to be witnesses of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and grow their faith community into a worldwide movement.
All About the 2300-Day Prophecy and the Investigative Judgment
This page will explain what the 2300-day prophecy is about. We’ll especially be looking at what events marked its fulfillment and what it has to do with the Investigative Judgment.
What Is the 70-Week Prophecy in Daniel 9
Could a prophecy accurately predict an event over 500 years before it was supposed to happen?
The 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 did, culminating in one of the most important events in earth’s history: Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross.
What Does the Bible Say About the End Times?
First of all, when we say “end times,” this refers to the period of time that precedes the second coming of Jesus—and the end of this sinful world before it’s recreated into the new earth. And several passages of Scripture provide us with clues and guidelines to help us recognize when these times are near, what kinds of things we can expect, and what it might mean for our daily lives and priorities.
The Creation of the World: What the Bible Really Says
When we think about the biblical Creation story, we think of just that: the world being created by the Creator. And while God’s creation of the world is marvelous and miraculous in its own right, it’s about far more than the sudden appearance of plants, animals, and humans.
Healing in the Bible
Have you ever felt like healing seemed so far away? Like it wouldn’t be possible for you? What you most want is a glimmer of hope or a bit of encouragement.
How Do You Tell a False Prophet From a True Prophet?
The Bible speaks of both true and false prophets and gives us specific guidance on how to test prophets and their claims. Scripture is our guard against deception.